Was Wolfgang von Trips in the Hitler Youth? I had understood that meningitis and other childhood illnesses disqualified him. But on Saturday Doug Nye, the excellent author and racing historian, told me he'd seen photos of von Trips in Hitler Youth uniform. Does anybody have any intelligence on this?
My German is miserable, but Fodisch & Louis, in "Trips Erinnerungen an ein Idol," appear to document Trip's involvement with the Hitler Youth on pages 19 and 20. Given that he was born in 1928, it would have been almost impossible to avoid membership, I would think, and at his age he was lucky to avoid active duty. There are no photos in the book of him in "uniform." Also, if the info you have came from Doug Nye, you can pretty well take it as fact.
ReplyDeleteDear Anonymous: thank you for that tip. I'll be sure to take a look.
ReplyDeleteConcernant la participation de von Trips aux jeunesses hitlériennes, voici deux mails où vous pouvez poser votre question:
Je ne sais pas s'ils parlent le français mais vous pouvez utiliser le logiciel outils linguistiques de google.